Spitfires Imperial War Museum 2024 Wall Calendar
Featuring the most iconic plane of the Second World War, the legendary Spitfire, this wall calendar also offers glimpses of the heroic people who made up the Squadrons, as well as Duxford's restored Spitfire Mk Ia N3200. Informative text accompanies each work and the datepad features previous and next month's views. Printed on FSC certified paper.|This wall calendar brings together a striking collection of historical photography from IWM collections from the Second World War, encapsulating the fighting spirit of the Allies. Featuring the most iconic plane of the war, the legendary Spitfire, the calendar also offers glimpses of the heroic people who made up the Squadrons, as well as Duxford's Spitfire Mk Ia N3200, recovered and lovingly restored so that in 2014 it was able to take to the skies again for the first time in more than 74 years. Informative text accompanies each work and the datepad features previous and next month's views. Printed on FSC certified paper.High quality art calendarFaithful reproductions true to original worksDetailed caption informationWorking closely with museums, galleries and artistsDesigned and developed at Flame Tree Publishing, independent publisher and creator of fine, illustrated books, journals, and art calendars.
