Climbing the Walls 2024 Wall Calendar
Once only thought of as an extreme sport for elite athletes and adrenaline junkies, rock climbing now attracts fitness enthusiasts from all backgrounds. Its popularity stretches from the rock wall at the local fitness center to the beautiful natural features and dramatic backdrops of traditional climbing areas. With thrilling imagery, this calendar shows that the sky is the limit! January 2024 December 2024Bonus September December 2023 calendar pageStapled BindingMeasures 12" High X 12" LongIncludes Moon PhasesIncludes all major U.S., Canadian, United Kingdom, Australian, and New Zealand holidaysEco Friendly, made with soy based inks and sturdy UV protected coverHigh quality Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified coated paper28 pages, including coverWeek starts on Sunday
